Environment and Society
Ayurveda, the “knowledge for long life,” is the oldest healing system in the world. Modern Ayurveda is explored through five institutions representing distinct philosophies, each seeking a method true to the intentions of the ancients. From the oldest center of treatment to a modern ayurvedic college to contemporary beach resorts offering “wellness” through massage, Authenticity provides an overview of ayurvedic practitioners and the different ways they achieve this goal.
Up Next in Environment and Society
The Big Blue
A feature length documentary about Canadian writer Charlie Wilkins and his 53 day, 5000 km voyage across the Atlantic Ocean with 15 crewmates aboard Big Blue.
Northland: Long Journey
The filmmaker seeks new truths regarding her father’s death from occupational illness due to exposure from workplace toxins three decades prior. His death was officially denied to be related to his work environment but new scientific evidence amended the original legal and medical judgments.
Water for Life - Citizens of the Worl...
Water is one of the most vital requirements for life and researchers around the world are concerned. This episode looks at water use in India, urban agriculture in Senegal, and the privatization of water in Bolivia.