Environment and Society

  • Loosing Ground

    In a world impacted by anthropogenic climate change, Bangladesh has been particularly hard-hit by worsening weather and rising sea levels. As the country's north, in the shadow of the Himalayas, is hit by increasingly-frequent and more powerful floods, and the south faces increasingly-violent and...

  • Tropic of Chaos

    A large lake that empties, refugee camps that fill up. What is happening in the Lake Chad basin is emblematic of the relationship between climate change, conflicts and humanitarian crises.
    “Tropic of Chaos” is a journey through the faces and tenacity of those who resist, through the stories of t...

  • The Changing Face of Iceland

    This one-hour documentary special from decorated polar explorer and award-winning environmental documentary filmmaker Mark Terry (The Antarctica Challenge, The Polar Explorer), chronicles these changes and more during his 2018 circumnavigation of the island nation. The film premiered at the Unite...

  • The Antarctica Challenge - A Global Warning

    Antarctica is the coldest, windiest, highest, and driest continent on earth. However, events are unfolding here that may spell disaster for the rest of the world. Glaciers are melting at a rapid rate and threatening to flood the world’s oceans, penguins are walking to their death in inexplicable ...

  • The Polar Explorer

    This feature film made by decorated polar explorer Mark Terry is the first documented crossing of the Northwest Passage ever filmed. It showcases the scientific research and discoveries made by the scientists of ArcticNet during the three-week crossing. The findings were so significant, the film ...

  • I Want To Be Afsaneh

    Afsaneh and her daughter live in Tehran. Her husband became a drug addict and abandoned his family. Afsaneh was left destitute and forced to rely on her family for a place to live. Out of desperation she sold one of her kidneys, but her struggle with poverty continues.

    Director: Selma Nayebi

  • Splitting Stone

    Penryn Quarry is one of the last remaining strongholds of the Welsh Slate Industry. An Industry dating back to the 16th century employing generations of Welsh workers.

    Where once mountains stood, valleys now reside. The mountains having been hollowed by industry. The waste tipped to the ground, ...

  • Adlais

    The Dyffyn Nanttle valley has been quarried for slate since the 14th century. This activity has all but ceased in the 21st century.
    The sound of industry breaths ever quieter, the legacy left is both tactile and aural. The gradient lines have shifted due to the physical change in the geography. N...

  • Toxic Time Bomb

    “Toxic Time Bomb” is about the impact of industrial pollution on a community and about activists who have spent 30 years fighting to ensure that industry and government take responsibility for the destruction of the environment.

  • Brick Mule

    This observational anthrozoological ethnographic film documents the lives of Nepal's working mules. The film finds a closeness with the mules; their sale in India, their journey to Nepal and their work in the huge brick factories of the Kathmandu valley and portering goods into the high Himalayas...

  • Conversations on the Lake

    The film explores how land, water, and landscape are valued by communities along the Canadian north shore of Lake Superior. Speakers from towns, environmental organizations, and First Nation communities express diverse ecological and social themes affecting their region.

  • Borderscapes

    Borderscapes draws attention to the complexity surrounding migration and the myriad ethical and political issues arising from contemporary border policies. It builds on testimonial narratives, empirical examples, and reflective accounts to unpack the entanglements of surveillance technologies, th...

  • Search for Answers: Cuba-Capetown Connection

    The journey by a South African HIV activist who travels to Cuba to see how they have managed to realize an HIV National Program which has maintained one of the lowest AIDS rates in the world. She returns to South Africa with her newly acquired knowledge about one of today’s most burning questions...

  • Tributary

    A short experimental ethnographic film that traces the movement of natural resources through the Icelandic landscape against the visual and sonic sites of data centers and power plants.

    The film explores the covert, 'black-boxed' data centers (remote and highly secure sites, obscured from maps a...

  • Journey To Our Homeland

    In memory of Tommy Yellowhead.

    In September 2019, Nibinamik First Nation Elders Tommy Yellowhead and Stephen Neshinapaise, both born at Pinaymotang, were accompanied by a small group of youth and a Shebafilms crew as they travelled an historic canoe route to their birthplace. They paddled southw...

  • The Sacred Bee - Part 1

    Designed for world religions classes but useful for philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, theology, chaplaincy, thanatology, spiritual studies, meditation / yoga groups and adherents of all major faiths, The Sacred Bee film series offers a ground-breaking paradigm that gently unites the world’s major...

  • Authenticity

    Ayurveda, the “knowledge for long life,” is the oldest healing system in the world. Modern Ayurveda is explored through five institutions representing distinct philosophies, each seeking a method true to the intentions of the ancients. From the oldest center of treatment to a modern ayurvedic col...

  • The Big Blue

    A feature length documentary about Canadian writer Charlie Wilkins and his 53 day, 5000 km voyage across the Atlantic Ocean with 15 crewmates aboard Big Blue.

  • Northland: Long Journey

    The filmmaker seeks new truths regarding her father’s death from occupational illness due to exposure from workplace toxins three decades prior. His death was officially denied to be related to his work environment but new scientific evidence amended the original legal and medical judgments.


  • Water for Life - Citizens of the World Series

    Water is one of the most vital requirements for life and researchers around the world are concerned. This episode looks at water use in India, urban agriculture in Senegal, and the privatization of water in Bolivia.

  • Cloverbelt Local Food Co-op

    Cloverbelt Local Food Co-op provides locally sourced products to consumers in isolated communities in Northwestern Ontario. Here is how they do it.

  • Handing Over

    A traditional hand game is once again trending again among young Dene people in the Northwest Territories.

  • Indians Like Us

    A group of people from France share a passion for everything Native American. Their dream is to travel to the United States to meet Native Americans. They take a trip to the Midwest where they discover that the reality for contemporary Native Americans is quite different from their idealized vision.

  • Banana Split

    A documentary that explores the history and the ongoing issues that surround the world’s most popular fruit. All you need to know about the "meal in a peel."