Rooted Musicians from Klenovec
Social Sciences and Humanities
French photographers Claude and Marie-José Carret first came to Klenovec in 1984. They were immediately fascinated by the life of the local musicians and have returned every year since, capturing generations of the town’s famous musicians. Their work reveals the depth of Klenovec’s musical roots and how characters from the past live on in the memories and practices of local people. The short film Rooted Musicians from Klenovec: Life in Photographs depicts a joint effort of the French photographers and a Czech anthropologist to repatriate images to the places where they were taken.
Directed by Petr Nuska
Featuring (in order of appearance): Béla Bőgős, Vladmir Sendrei, Jr., Ivan Akimov, Martin Horváth, Peter Cibuľa, Ján Deme, Miroslav Radič, Diana Radičová, Zdena Cibuľová, Karol Radič, Barnabáš Cibuľa, Miroslav Radič, Jr., Marcela Radičová, Klaudia Oláhová, Claude Carret, Marie-José Carret, Jana Sendreiová, Benjamin Illéš, Elena Cibuľová, Milan Deme, Jr., Helena Radičová, Milan Deme, Zuzana Radičová, Patrik Deme, Krištof Laco, Ján Radič, Dominika Oláhová, Veronika Cibuľová
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