Short Stuff

  • Life Is But A Dream

    If he survives, Charles Wilkins will write another book, about his possibly last great adventure - a 3000 mile record breaking row across the Atlantic. The 61-year-old writer, nominated for the Stephen Leacock Award and recently acclaimed for his account of a summer spent working in a cemetery, ...

  • Empty Under Sky

    Empty Under Sky, was made in response to Robin Starbuck receiving the Middlebury New Filmmakers Award for Best Music with Film Integration. It was made in collaboration with the Vermont Symphony Orchestra composer in residence, Matt LaRocca, and it screened with the orchestra during their fall 20...

  • Mother's Day on the Golan Heights

    A short sequence that illustrates the everyday challenges for people living in an occupied territory. A not so happy Mother's Day is marked each year on the border between the Golan Heights and Syria.

  • Woman in No Man's Land

    Mary Riter Hamilton was as a Canadian artist. In 1919, she painted the battlefields of France and Belgium, recording the aftermath of World War One.

  • Thinking with the Hands

    What role does physicality play in science? "Thinking with the Hands" is a short ethnographic documentary dedicated to the involvement of physicality in scientific knowledge production. This film investigates the role played by hands in daily laboratory work routine.

  • The Invisible Wounds of War

    Canadian soldiers returning home have always been changed by war and peacekeeping, frequently in harmful but unseen ways.

  • Big Blue Row - Angela Madsen

    Angela Madsen, a Paralympian, died 20 June 2020 while attempting to row from California to Hawaii. This film was shot after she had successfully captained Big Blue with a 16 member crew across the Atlantic in 2011. Find out what motivated her and what her challenges were.

  • Tributary

    A short experimental ethnographic film that traces the movement of natural resources through the Icelandic landscape against the visual and sonic sites of data centers and power plants.

    The film explores the covert, 'black-boxed' data centers (remote and highly secure sites, obscured from maps a...

  • Violin Whisperer

    David Ludwik Rapkievian is a master instrument maker, musician, and folk dancer, who works in the Russian, Polish and Armenian traditions. As an instrument maker, David crafts violins in his Washington Grove, MD workshop. While growing up in Detroit, David discovered a love of music through his P...

  • No Page for Dalits

    This short film emphasizes the religious or sacred basis of discrimination and one modern instance thereof, where caste members literally have no way to participate in the traditional Indian search for marital partners.

    Wesley Shrum is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Video Ethnography...

  • Four Keeps Dakáake

    This short essay film is based on Crow/Apsaalooke tribal cosmology in which wind characterizes one of the four cardinal points and when called upon represents for the tribe a powerful blessing in endurance and return. In this film dakaake (Apsaalooke for bird) signifies both wind and child. A non...

  • Ep. 1 - The War to End All Wars - The World at War

    Episode One - The World at War

    In this documentary series commemorating the 100th anniversary of the First World War, award-winning documentary filmmaker Mark Terry interviews professors in York University's Department of History examine various aspects of the war and the role Canada played in it.

  • Ep.1 - Consequences of Confederation - Communications: Distances and Connections

    Episode One - Communications: Distances and Connections

    This episode features History Professors Marlene Shore and Marcel Martel of Toronto’s York University as they discuss Canada’s early attempts to unite a vast country through new and experimental communications methods in the late 19th centu...

  • Razor Wire

    Edrick Jenkins was sentenced to 60 years of prison in the Louisiana State Penitentiary for a break and enter theft. After 25 years in prison he reflects on what the razor wire that surrounds the prison means to him.

  • Ep. 2 - The War to End All Wars - Canada at War

    Episode Two - The War to End All Wars - Canada at War

    In this documentary series commemorating the 100th anniversary of the First World War, award-winning documentary filmmaker Mark Terry interviews professors in York University's Department of History examine various aspects of the war and the ...

  • Handing Over

    A traditional hand game is once again trending again among young Dene people in the Northwest Territories.

  • Ep. 3 - The War to End All Wars - Women at War

    Episode Three - Women at War

    History professors Kathryn McPherson, Molly Ladd Taylor and Jennifer Stephen examine the extensive role women played in World War One, both at home and overseas. One of the more fascinating revelations discussed is that Canada was the only country to rank women as o...

  • Ep. 4 - The War to End All Wars - Empires at War

    Episode Four - Empires at War

    History professors Deborah Neill, Stephen Brooke, Joan Judge and Thabit Abdullah discuss how the British, French, Chinese and Ottoman Empires approached the war often recruiting soldiers from their respective colonies as the war dragged on.

    In this documentary seri...

  • Ep. 5 - The War to End All Wars - Technologies at War

    Episode Five - Technologies at War

    History professors Deborah Neill and Craig Heron discuss the new advances in technologies that were developed during World War One that not only helped end the war, but also gave rise to a new way of fighting that was used to great extent in World War Two.

    In ...

  • Ep. 6 - The War to End All Wars - The Spoils of War

    Episode Six - The Spoils of War

    History professors Stephen Brooke, Joan Judge, Kalman Weiser, Thabit Abdullah, Jennifer Stephen and William Wicken break down the aftermath of the First World War. Particular attention is given to the Treaty of Versailles, how the Chinese were affected by "secret ...

  • Ep7-War to End All Wars-Les Canadiens Français et la Première Guerre Mondiale

    Episode Seven - Les Canadiens Français et la Première Guerre Mondiale

    FR - Professeurs Marcel Martel, Colin Coates et Roberto Perin discuter de la guerre du point de vue des Canadiens français, notamment le rôle joué par
    l'Église Catholique, la conscription et les luttes politiques entre les...

  • Ontario Military Hospital, Orpington

    The Ontario Military Hospital, Orpington opened in 19th February 1916, with over 1000 beds. Built on the site of the present Orpington hospital; it was one of the largest and most up to date in the world. In 1917 the hospital was renamed as the No. 16 Canadian General Hospital and another 1000 be...

  • Ep.2 - Consequences of Confederation - Citizenship: Insiders and Outsiders

    Episode Two - Citizenship: Insiders and Outsiders

    This episode features History Professors David Koffman, Jennifer Stephen, and William Wicken of Toronto’s York University as they examine Canada’s early immigration policies and innovative attempts to populate a vast area of land.


  • Ep. 3 - Consequences of Confederation - Canada and its Southern Neighbour

    Episode Three - Sleeping Next to an Elephant: Canada and its Southern Neighbour

    This episode features History Professors Sean Kheraj and Marcel Martel of Toronto’s York University as they examine Canada’s on-again, off-again relationship with the United States, including the bromance between Can...