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Interview with T.C. Douglas

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Reel Memories of the Lakehead (Free Viewing) • 2m 53s

Up Next in Reel Memories of the Lakehead (Free Viewing)

  • Interview with T.C. Douglas

    Interview with T.C. "Tommy" Douglas, leader of the New Democratic Party and Premier of Saskatchewan. Mr. Douglas discusses nuclear weapons and Canada's role in the nuclear arms race. Footage from 1961.

  • Sports from the Giant - Episode 1

    EPISODE ONE: Ice Sports. And… a little bit of basketball
    This episode features 1960 High School Men’s Basketball, 1961 Ice Hockey, and the 1960 Macdonald Brier Curling.
    The Sports from the Giant project uses archival video and audio footage from the 1960s showcasi...

  • Saul Laskin

    A presentation by Dr. Peter Raffo at the Thunder Bay Museum on the life of Mayor Saul Laskin.