Women Are the Answer
New Releases
1h 30m
Population growth has been left out of the climate debate because it is considered controversial, yet it is one of the most important factors. The global population has passed the 7 billion mark and India will soon overtake China as the most populous nation in the world, but one state in southern India has found the solution: Kerala educates its women. The unique history of Kerala and ‘the Kerala Model’ is outlined, using it as an example of achieving population control in developing countries without coercion.
Links are highlighted within the documentary between issues such as women’s education, women’s rights and status in society, women’s health, population growth, global poverty and global food shortage, economic growth and environmental stability.
INTERVIEWEES include Prof. Amartya Sen, the 1998 Nobel Prize winner in Economic Sciences, William Ryerson of the Population Institute, Brinda Karat, a politician and Vice-President of the All India Democratic Women’s Association, as well as many young women from Kerala talking about their lives.
Directed by Fiona Cochrane
Producer/ director FIONA COCHRANE has produced and/or directed several independent Australian feature films as well as numerous documentaries and short films. Her recent documentaries include the feature-length documentaries JOE CAMILLERI: AUSTRALIA’S MALTESE FALCON and RACHEL: A PERFECT LIFE, as well as television documentaries 25 TRACKS, ALL IN HER STRIDE, MUSIC OF THE BRAIN, OPERA THERAPY, TUG OF WAR and SCREAMIN’ WHEELIES. Her films have screened at numerous international festivals and received many international awards.
Fiona is also medically trained and continues to work as a General Practitioner in Melbourne.
Learn more: www.f-reel.com
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