Les gardiens de l'éternité
Indigenous Peoples
Située à Yellowknife dans le Grand Nord canadien, l’ancienne mine Giant produisit plus de 7 millions d’onces d’or entre 1948 et 1999 ayant comme tragique effet secondaire la création de plus de 237,000 tonnes d’arsenic, assez d’arsenic pour tuer le monde bien des fois.
Up Next in Indigenous Peoples
Silent Cries / Kiayunik Tuhanak
"It happened every year during long weekends in September. That's when all the planes, little planes start flying around Nunavut and NWT (North-Western Territory) collecting kids at camps. As soon as you hear that plane coming around you know what was gonna happen, some of them hide, run away… Bu...
Ignacio's Legacy
The British film maker Brian Moser first visited the Piraparaná region and its different communities in 1960 as part of an expedition to record their music and to visually document their lives, resulting in the short film Piraparaná. Over the subsequent 50 years and in collaboration with the ant...
Calle K
Calle K is a recently completed documentary film that looks at the evolution over time of an illegal squatter settlement. In 1978 Titus Fossgard-Moser lived with his brother and filmmaker/anthropologist parents in the Indio Guayas community in what was then the outskirts of Guayaquil Ecuador. The...