Le tireur d'élite (fr)
Indigenous Peoples
Lorsque la Première Guerre mondiale éclate en 1914, le 90th Winnipeg Rifles est l'un des premiers régiments à qui on demande de former un bataillon pour le Corps expéditionnaire canadien. Ils ont été surnommés les Petits diables noirs pendant la rébellion du Nord-Ouest de 1885 par la résistance métisse vaincue et ils ont amené Louis Riel à Regina où il a été jugé et pendu pour trahison. Ainsi, lorsque le train de troupes s'arrête à Fort William pour aller chercher des recrues du Nord-Ouest de l'Ontario, tout le monde est surpris d'apprendre qu'un parent de Louis Riel s'est joint aux Little Black Devils. Patrick (Paddy) Riel est devenu l'un des meilleurs tireurs d'élite du Canada. Son histoire, comme beaucoup des autres 60 000 Canadiens qui ont perdu la vie dans le conflit, a été perdue dans le temps. Ses descendants savaient qu'il était mort en héros, mais ils savaient peu de choses sur lui. The Sniper raconte l'histoire de Patrick Riel et de la famille qu'il a laissée derrière lui.
Directors bio:
Director and Producer, Ron Harpelle has a PHD in History, he has published numerous books and articles and has both produced and directed several award-winning history films such as Where The Poppies Grow, A.K.A, Banana Split, In Security, and Hard Time. Many of these films are complemented by books and larger academic projects on the same subject, making them ideal for the educational market and ensuring the quality of the research that goes into them.
Producer and cinematographer, Kelly Saxberg has a MA in History. She works in English, French, Spanish. She has directed and edited dozens of award-winning history films, most notably Rosie’s of the North, Letters from Karelia, Dorothea Mitchell: A Reel Pioneer. In 2017, she completed, Long Walk Home: The Incredible Journey of Sheila Burnford, a 30-minute documentary she produced, edited, filmed and co-directed.
Links to Social medias:
Website: https://www.shebafilms.com/
Up Next in Indigenous Peoples
The Snipers
The Snipers is a film that uses animation and archival footage to tell the story of Patrick Riel and Phil MacDonald, distinguished members of the 90th Winnipeg Rifles in WWI. It is a story of sacrifice and indigenous participation in the Canadian Expeditionary Force.
Journey To Our Homeland
In memory of Tommy Yellowhead.
In September 2019, Nibinamik First Nation Elders Tommy Yellowhead and Stephen Neshinapaise, both born at Pinaymotang, were accompanied by a small group of youth and a Shebafilms crew as they travelled an historic canoe route to their birthplace. They paddled southw...
Water for Life - Citizens of the Worl...
Water is one of the most vital requirements for life and researchers around the world are concerned. This episode looks at water use in India, urban agriculture in Senegal, and the privatization of water in Bolivia.