Indigenous Peoples

  • Guardians of Eternity

    Mary Rose lives in a Dene community near an abandoned mine that produced 7 million ounces of gold but left 237,000 tonnes of arsenic behind. Her community has to worry about this toxic legacy of the Giant Mine forever.

  • Conversations on the Lake

    The film explores how land, water, and landscape are valued by communities along the Canadian north shore of Lake Superior. Speakers from towns, environmental organizations, and First Nation communities express diverse ecological and social themes affecting their region.

  • Sharing Tebwewin

    “Sharing Tebwewin” (Sharing the Truth) is a 30-minute educational documentary designed to help health workers become more “culturally competent” in their work with Indigenous people.

  • Empty Under Sky

    Empty Under Sky, was made in response to Robin Starbuck receiving the Middlebury New Filmmakers Award for Best Music with Film Integration. It was made in collaboration with the Vermont Symphony Orchestra composer in residence, Matt LaRocca, and it screened with the orchestra during their fall 20...

  • Voyageur Legacy- Our Story

    Director: Kelly Saxberg
    Camera: Kelly Saxberg, Jean Claude Tse, Dave Kornachuck, Donald Delorome, Dave Clement, Linda Danchuck, Chris Ficek
    Editor: Dany Joyal
    Music: Laurent Roy, Dany Joyal
    Sound: Ron Harpelle, Garbriel Harpelle, Ed Ackerman
    Translation: Christopher Campbell

  • Seeking Bimaadiziiwin

    A short documentary about youth suicide and harm reduction through the celebration of traditional knowledge and beliefs.

  • What is Blasto? Ojibwe version

    Public service announcement about Blastomycosis. Created in English and Ojibwe.

    Directed by Kelly Saxberg
    Kelly Saxberg is a Canadian film producer, director, editor, and cinematographer who has worked on well over 100 films. She works in English, French, Spanish and Finnish.

  • Les gardiens de l'éternité

    Située à Yellowknife dans le Grand Nord canadien, l’ancienne mine Giant produisit plus de 7 millions d’onces d’or entre 1948 et 1999 ayant comme tragique effet secondaire la création de plus de 237,000 tonnes d’arsenic, assez d’arsenic pour tuer le monde bien des fois.

  • Silent Cries / Kiayunik Tuhanak

    "It happened every year during long weekends in September. That's when all the planes, little planes start flying around Nunavut and NWT (North-Western Territory) collecting kids at camps. As soon as you hear that plane coming around you know what was gonna happen, some of them hide, run away… Bu...

  • Ignacio's Legacy

    The British film maker Brian Moser first visited the Piraparaná region and its different communities in 1960 as part of an expedition to record their music and to visually document their lives, resulting in the short film Piraparaná. Over the subsequent 50 years and in collaboration with the ant...

  • Calle K

    Calle K is a recently completed documentary film that looks at the evolution over time of an illegal squatter settlement. In 1978 Titus Fossgard-Moser lived with his brother and filmmaker/anthropologist parents in the Indio Guayas community in what was then the outskirts of Guayaquil Ecuador. The...

  • Le tireur d'élite (fr)

    Lorsque la Première Guerre mondiale éclate en 1914, le 90th Winnipeg Rifles est l'un des premiers régiments à qui on demande de former un bataillon pour le Corps expéditionnaire canadien. Ils ont été surnommés les Petits diables noirs pendant la rébellion du Nord-Ouest de 1885 par la résistance m...

  • The Snipers

    The Snipers is a film that uses animation and archival footage to tell the story of Patrick Riel and Phil MacDonald, distinguished members of the 90th Winnipeg Rifles in WWI. It is a story of sacrifice and indigenous participation in the Canadian Expeditionary Force.

  • Journey To Our Homeland

    In memory of Tommy Yellowhead.

    In September 2019, Nibinamik First Nation Elders Tommy Yellowhead and Stephen Neshinapaise, both born at Pinaymotang, were accompanied by a small group of youth and a Shebafilms crew as they travelled an historic canoe route to their birthplace. They paddled southw...

  • Water for Life - Citizens of the World Series

    Water is one of the most vital requirements for life and researchers around the world are concerned. This episode looks at water use in India, urban agriculture in Senegal, and the privatization of water in Bolivia.

  • Four Keeps Dakáake

    This short essay film is based on Crow/Apsaalooke tribal cosmology in which wind characterizes one of the four cardinal points and when called upon represents for the tribe a powerful blessing in endurance and return. In this film dakaake (Apsaalooke for bird) signifies both wind and child. A non...

  • The Bishop Who Ate His Boots

    Renowned Canadian cinematographer, Richard Stringer's documentary about his grandfather, Isaac O. Stringer, an Anglican missionary and Bishop who, along with his wife Sadie, devoted their lives to the Canadian North and its people.

  • Aroland Blueberry Initiative

    The Aroland Youth Blueberry Initiative provides an opportunity for community members, young and old alike, to use their traditional economy to help raise funds for youth programs.
    Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems
    Social Sciences and Humanities Research Coun...