Community Programming (Free Viewing)

  • Who was Sylvia

    Hubert and Jacomyn are modern day pioneers living in a straw bale home, powered by sun and wind, yet they are connected to a bygone era by the discovery of a mysterious neighbour who they would never meet .

    Directed by: Kelly Saxberg
    Co-director: Betty Carpick
    Editor: Kelly Saxberg
    Director of...

  • Cloverbelt Local Food Co-op

    Cloverbelt Local Food Co-op provides locally sourced products to consumers in isolated communities in Northwestern Ontario. Here is how they do it.

  • Aroland Blueberry Initiative

    The Aroland Youth Blueberry Initiative provides an opportunity for community members, young and old alike, to use their traditional economy to help raise funds for youth programs.
    Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems
    Social Sciences and Humanities Research Coun...

  • Kindness: Taking It To the Streets

    The scales of social justice do not always tip equally. There are members in society who fall through very wide cracks, and without love and kindness and caring, their climb out of darkness can be slippery at best. This 27-minute film shows the positive differences being made by caring people in ...

  • Take Out Food

    Food Rescue is a volunteer organization that provides a food bank and associated resources to people in need in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.

  • Saul Laskin

    A presentation by Dr. Peter Raffo at the Thunder Bay Museum on the life of Mayor Saul Laskin.

  • Under The Red Star

    The Finnish Labour Temple opened in March 1910, but this workers' hall was a temple of a different sort, one where political rather than religious devotion was practiced. Under the Red Star tells the story of union organizers, strong minded women, athletic children, actors and even poets.
    Under t...

  • Blueberry blast

    Blueberries, nutrition and tradition in Nipigon, Ontario

  • Web Aware Internet Safety for Seniors

    A friendly reminder of some Internet safety.
    Remember you are in control. Just say NO. Refuse to be pressured and stay web smart!
    Brought to you by Vox Popular Media Arts and Funded by the Government of Canada.

    For more information on how to practice these tips click on the links below!

  • AFNOO 150 - Jeannette Hardy

  • Mackenzy Vilme - AFNOO 150